petek, 6. december 2013

5. del-Pattie vistits us

Njegova soba je bila  ne vem. Lahko sem samo stala z odprtimi usti in rekla


Is something wrong?

No... your room it's amazing.

Well.......  thanks.

Večino časa sva se pogovarjala o najinih življenjih in tako dalje...

No od takrat ko sva se spoznala, sva postala zelo dobra prijatelja in sva se pogovarjala vsaki dan. Nisva zdržala drug brez drugega. Postala sva res najboljša prijatelja.

Prišel je čas, ko se bo šola spet začela. Razmišljala sem kaj bom oblekla in takrat je na vratih pozvonilo. Stekla sem po stopnicah ampak me je mami prehitela in odprla vrata. Vstopila je Pattie. Bila je nasmejana.

Hi, i'm Justin's mom Pattie.

Yea, i kinda know that, I have to know every member of your family, my doughter is talking about you guys like every single day haha. 

hahaha, I really like your Bella, and Justin does too, he was never that crazy aboute a girl untill he meet Bella. He really likes her.

You should see Bella when she is listening to his music and looking at his posters. She is crying and kissing the posters. She is crazy haha.
Okay. Moooom!!! Enough details. Stop emberissing me please haha.
Oh hello honey. 
(prišla je do mene in me objela)

Hey Pattie. Nice to see you again.

It's nice to hear that. 

(zmišljeno je vse tole)
You didn't tell me your mom is Abby Johnson!? 

No... I tought it was not inportant.

Are you crazy? She is like the most awesome fashion desinger and i have like all of her clothes and purses.

Not all purses. 
(mami ji je namignila naj gre za njo)

Šli sta v Abbyjino "delavnico" in mami je povlekla iz velike omare neko čisto novo torbico, ki še ni prišla ven. Pattie pa je gledala z odprtimi usti.

O my go. this purs hasn't came out yet.

Yep I know. 

I think i'm in love haha you must tell me when it's out. I want to be the first person to buy it haha.

Well. You won't have to buy it. Here. You can have it.

Really? no, it's too expensive. I can't take it.
Look, I really want you to have it. Please take it.

Well okay. Thak you Abby.
(Objeli sta se jaz pa sem šla nazaj v sobo)

by the way torbica je bil takšna:


Naslednji dan sva z Abby šli v shopping in po vse potrebno za šolo.  Kupili sva nekaj novih oblačil, nekaj čevljev, torbice, make-up... Prišli sva domov in preoblekla sem se v trenerko, ker sem se v njej najbolje počutila. Bila sem takšna:

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